FullProduct.dev is still in Beta. 🚧 Official release coming in october ⏳
Plugin Branches
React Query

React-Query for Data Fetching

git merge with/react-query

Plugin features when merged

  • Install and set up @tanstack/react-query for use on Browser, Mobile and Serverside
  • Use @tanstack/react-query to create a UniversalRouteScreen wrapper for data fetching everywhere

Recommended workflow

Graph showing the Unversal Route Screen component using a fetcher with React-Query to retrieve the props for a RouteComponent before rendering on Web, iOS and Android

1. Start with component & bridge in /screens/ folder


import { someFetcher } from '../resolvers/some.fetcher'
import { createQueryBridge, HydratedRouteProps } from '../navigation/UniversalRouteScreen.helpers'
/* --- Data Fetching ----------- */
// -i- Think of a "bridge" as a universal version of `getServerSideProps()` from next.js
// -i- ...which will work on Expo / Mobile / iOS / Android as well as on server / browser
const queryBridge = createQueryBridge({
    // Transform the route params into things useable by react-query
    routeParamsToQueryKey: (routeParams) => ['subpage', routeParams.slug],
    routeParamsToQueryInput: (routeParams) => ({ slug: routeParams.slug }),
    // Provide the fetcher function to be used by react-query
    routeDataFetcher: someFetcher,
    // Transform fetcher output to props after react-query was called
    fetcherDataToProps: (fetcherData) => ({ someProp: fetcherData }),
/* --- <SomeScreen/> ----------- */
// Component for screen UI can infer types from "bridge" 👇
const SomeScreen = (props: HydratedRouteProps<typeof queryBridge>) => {
    // Props with inferred types 🙌
    const { someProp } = props
    // Render screen UI
    // ...

2. Use bridge & component in workspace /routes/ folder

/routes/subpages/[slug]/index.ts -- in e.g. the @app/core workspace

import { SomeScreen, queryBridge } from '@app/screens/SomeScreen'
import { UniversalRouteScreen } from '@app/navigation'
/* --- /subpages/[slug] ----------- */
export default (props) => (
        // Will execute each step from the bridge in sequence to get to the final props
        // Will provide the final props to the screen component on iOS, Android, server & browser

💡 The reason we define the route in a workspace is so we can re-use this file in both Expo & Next.js 👇

3. Reexport route file in Expo & Next.js app routers

app/subpages/[slug]/index.ts in @app/expo workspace

import SlugRoute from '@app/routes/subpages/[slug]'
export default SlugRoute

app/subpages/[slug]/page.ts in @app/next workspace

import SlugRoute from '@app/routes/subpages/[slug]'
export default SlugRoute
// -i- Export any other next.js routing config here
// -i- See: https://nextjs.org/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/route-segment-config
export const dynamic = 'auto'
export const dynamicParams = true
export const revalidate = false
export const fetchCache = 'auto'
export const runtime = 'nodejs'
export const preferredRegion = 'auto'
export const maxDuration = 5

✨ If you'd like this last step to happen automatically, we have a script to do this in the FullProduct.dev (opens in a new tab) ⚡️ Starterkit demo #9 plugin: GREEN-stack (opens in a new tab).

💡 Improving it with GraphQL

This is fully optional, but pairing this pattern with something like GraphQL (e.g. #5 plugin: Apollo GraphQL (opens in a new tab)) is actually a great combo, because:

  • ✅ You can create executable GraphQL schemas
  • ✅ Meaning you can execute the same query during SSR, CSR (Web) and on Mobile (iOS & Android)

This is one of the reasons I recommend GraphQL for fetching data in Universal apps. We recommend you create or use some universal GraphQL fetcher together with graphql.tada (opens in a new tab) 🪄

🚀 We've perfected this Universal Data Fetching pattern in the FullProduct.dev (opens in a new tab) ⚡️ Starterkit.

Demo 👉 #9 plugin: GREEN-stack (opens in a new tab)

Official @tanstack/react-query docs

https://tanstack.com/query/latest/docs/framework/react/overview (opens in a new tab)